This week, we've been preparing for Punxsutawney Phil!!
Kennedy received a groundhog from Gail and Charley for her very first Groundhog's Day!!
We made Shadow Cookies in an effort to scare that shadow away!
This week, we've been preparing for Punxsutawney Phil!!
Kennedy received a groundhog from Gail and Charley for her very first Groundhog's Day!!
We made Shadow Cookies in an effort to scare that shadow away!
Posted by
Friday, January 30, 2009
Labels: Week wrap-up
No movie tonight, but we tried chicken melts from Didn't use the red wine, but did everything else as noted. It was ok. Nothing spectacular, but nothing to run from either. =)
Chicken Melts:
1 tablespoon butter
1 onion, sliced into thin rings
1 teaspoon garlic powder
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1/2 cup red wine
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
4 slices Swiss cheese
4 English muffins, split and toasted
1. Preheat the grill for high heat.
2. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Place the onion slices in the skillet, sprinkle with garlic powder, and saute until onions are translucent. Remove from heat, and set aside.
3. Lightly oil the grill grate. Place the chicken breast halves on the grill, and sprinkle with wine, rosemary, and thyme. Cook for about 8 minutes. Turn, and continue cooking 8 minutes, or until juices run clear. Place a slice of cheese on each breast half, and top with onions. Cook until cheese starts to melt. Serve on toasted English muffins.
Adam: ***
Melanie: **1/2
Posted by
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Labels: Recipes
One pair of shoes has been on these power lines for quite a while. But recently new pairs have been showing up. There's a pair down the street a little as well. I guess it's our own little piece of modern art!
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Labels: Pics of the week
Marin knitted hats. A hat designed by her shortly before her death has just been released by Hurley. You can see it here. A portion of the proceeds are going to the Marin Morrison Foundation.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Labels: Links
“A place for everything and everything in its place.” Yep – that’s how I used to live my life.
And then we had kids.
Kids come with a lot of stuff. The amount of stuff that we have in our house doubled when Addy came into our lives and tripled with Kennedy. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a little. But just a little. (And here I was so super excited that having a second girl meant that we wouldn’t need anything more than what we already had.)
I’m not really sure why it’s this way. I’ve been assured that my favorite toys were measuring cups out of the kitchen drawers. My Mom tells me that the day before my parents brought me home from the hospital, my Dad went to the store to buy diapers, blankets and a couple outfits for me – that’s all. I have friends who slept in dresser drawers as babies because their parents didn’t have cribs. Hardly ‘stuff magnets’ there.
But that doesn't seem to be the way it is anymore – we’re not alone with our piles of stuff. Though we’re far far far from the most kid-accessory-stuffed houses (believe me, I know).
So anyway, the days of places for everything in our house are probably gone (at least for a little while) – and even if there were places for everything, Addy might very well see to move things right after they had been placed. So it goes.
We’ve been in a state of upheaval the past week as we move a couple rooms around in our house and along with that we’ve been finding things that we don’t really have homes for and even more so, we’re finding things that we don’t need. (We’re even finding some things that we had forgotten we had – gulp!). So we’re taking this opportunity to de-stuff our house. Salvation Army made a large pick up this morning and the trash at the curb is overflowing as well. That was already a goal for this year – clean up and clean out. So I guess it’s all fitting in with our grand plan.
The things that we’re cleaning out now are all pre-kid. And though we’re getting close to being able to move some of the larger baby things out of our house (the swing, the activity center), we’re not really quite there yet. We moved some of the baby toys out of our storage closet last night for the last time though, because once Kennedy is done with them, they will be going to another home where they will be loved space-taker-uppers for another kid and another family. Yes it’s exciting for Kennedy to get to use them. But I’d be lying if I said that (on some level at least) I’m not excited about getting rid of them too. (And yes, I realize I say all this with a wish list on for the girls that has many many more items on it than they will ever need. The brain is not always a rational thing.) =)
Anyway, with the ‘clean up, clean out’ thought in mind, I headed to the playroom last night after the house was quiet thinking that there might be some smaller things that I could add to the Goodwill pile. Things that Addy doesn’t play with – things that Kennedy would never miss. I walked into the playroom that had just recently been picked up (there are things without places though) and it was then that I realized that, it’s full of stuff, but it’s also full of laughter, smiles and squeals of delight. The toys will, of course, come and go and they’re definitely not what make the memories, but right now – they’re the flotsam and jetsam of childhood. Of our little baby girls, who, though may always be our baby girls in our hearts, won’t be babies once we blink.
I’m not a Mom who wants to keep our kids babies. I’m a cheerleader when Addison and Kennedy do things that show that they are growing and learning – I love those moments. Of course, I will always cherish their baby moments and will always remember the way that they felt in my arms as they came into this world, but I’m also very excited to see them come into their own and leave their imprints on the world.
But they don’t have to grow up too quickly either. So the play room stayed as it was last night. Awaiting more laughs, smiles and squeals.
We’ll leave cleaning out for another day.
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Monday, January 26, 2009
Labels: Random thoughts
The other day while I was talking to Adam on the phone, I handed the receiver to Addy to say 'hi'. She was sitting in the middle of the floor, surrounded by books with an open one on her lap (this is a very common occurence). I heard her say "Reading a book" (or at least something very close to that). After she handed me (read: I pried) back the phone, Adam told me that he had, indeed, asked her what she was doing. She's a little smarty-pants. I guess algebra is next. =)
In Kennedy news, we're still seeing great big, full face smiles and we're also starting to see more emotions as well; she's a very expressive little kiddo. She is also starting to reach for things as she sees them now. It's so much fun to watch her make connections as she learns how to control those motions that simply used to be flails.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009
Labels: Cute kids
Once upon a time, I said that I wasn't going to make this a 'Mommy-blog' - only full of things about my, then only, child. I've since changed my mind a bit. One of my New Years Resolutions was/is to keep a more detailed history of the events of Addison and Kennedy... and I think that using my blog might be a great way to do that.
So anyway, I'm just offering this a fair warning - this may become kiddo central, full of the goings-on of the two little amazing girls that have completely stolen my heart. =)
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Sunday, January 25, 2009
Labels: Random thoughts
...with two little ones is always a struggle. However, I have found that leaving the house is actually much easier if I dress the girls first thing in the morning instead of letting them hang out in their jammies for an extra hour or so. It just seems to jump-start the day and it gets us moving a little faster. It's amazing how five minutes earlier in the morning doesn't seem as long as five minutes when we're trying to leave the house.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009
Posted by
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Labels: Week wrap-up
Turkey Pot Pie
Prep Time: 45 Minutes
Cook Time: 1 Hour
Ready In: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Servings: 8
1 recipe pastry for a (10 inch) double crust pie
4 tablespoons butter, divided
1 small onion, minced
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 carrots, diced
3 tablespoons dried parsley
1 teaspoon dried oregano
salt and pepper to taste
2 cubes chicken bouillon
2 cups water
3 potatoes, peeled and cubed (I used one can of sliced potatoes)
1 1/2 cups cubed cooked turkey (I used chicken)
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 cup milk
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Roll out bottom pie crust, press into a 10 inch pie pan, and set aside.
2. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a large skillet over medium heat; add the onion, celery, carrots, parsley, oregano, and salt and pepper. Cook and stir until the vegetables are soft. Stir in the bouillon and water. Bring mixture to a boil. Stir in the potatoes, and cook until tender but still firm.
3. In a medium saucepan, melt the remaining 2 tablespoons butter. Stir in the turkey and flour. Add the milk, and heat through. Stir the turkey mixture into the vegetable mixture, and cook until thickened. Cool slightly, then pour mixture into the unbaked pie shell. Roll out the top crust, and place on top of filling. Flute edges, and make 4 slits in the top crust to let out steam.
4. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C), and continue baking for 20 minutes, or until crust is golden brown.
(Notes: This recipe took a lot of pots and pans (though we didn't have leftover chicken, so I did cook that too) - it felt like most of the contents of the kitchen were in the sink, on the stove or in the dishwasher by the time everything was made. Oh - and there was a lot more filling than would actually fit in the pie crust, so I would probably would use a little less of everything next time.)
We didn't watch a movie along with this, but we did watch The Office - which was a pretty good episode this week.
Pot Pie Ratings:
Adam - ***1/2 (he just doesn't understand how good it is)
Melanie - ****1/2
Posted by
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Labels: Recipes
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Labels: Pics of the week
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Labels: Links
Though my car radio, for the most part, has been taken over by Edward the Tap-Dancing Elephant and Winnie the Pooh songs, I did actually manage to listen to a little NPR the other night. And the weirdist thing happened - Adam and I were on the radio (you can hear it here - it's about 9:17 in). Ok, it wasn't really us, but it might as well have been.
M: "I can't hear Addy and Kennedy."
A: "They're sleeping."
M: "Do you think they're ok?"
A: "Yes."
M: "Are you sure?"
A: "Yes."
M: "How can you know?"
A: "Didn't you just check on them 15 minutes ago?"
M: "Yes."
A: "Were they ok then?"
M: "Yes."
A: "Well then they're ok."
M: "Ok..."
A: (rolling over and turing off the light) "Goodnight."
M: "You know, I think I'm going to go check once more..." (leaving bed)
So, this isn't a conversation that we have every night, but we probably have some varation of it once a week or so. Are they too warm? Too cold? Sleeping too long? Not long enough? Eating enough? Too much? I'm good at worrying when it comes to the girls. Try as I might to keep it from happening, it happens. Thank goodness Adam is more common sensical about these situations (not to mention patient enough to put up with me!).
Maybe some day, I'll get over the worrying part of motherhood...
or maybe not. But it's nice to know that I'm not alone.
Posted by
Monday, January 19, 2009
Labels: Random thoughts
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Labels: Pics of the week
Be warned though: It's a little addicting!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Labels: Links
So, I guess I'm kind of late to the ballgame here, but I have finally made my New Years' Resolutions. Yep - plural. Adam jokingly told me that I'm the only person he knows with a sub-bulleted list of resolutions. Whatever. =) It's really not that bad.
But I'm struck at how many of my resolutions (which I really prefer to call goals) are about Addison and Kennedy. I never really realized how much better I would try to make my life because of having kids. Setting a good example, being the change - and all that.
Politics, changing weather patterns, crime rates, car safety ratings, medical advances... all of these things have become more important to me since February 2007. It's crazy really.
It's safe to say that I always knew having kids would change our lives in many ways, but I wasn't aware of just how absolutely everything would be changed...
You know, because of the two little girls who are, as I type this, sleeping across the hall from me, I now even eat my veggies (that was on last year's resolution list).
Posted by
Monday, January 12, 2009
Labels: Random thoughts
According to, the definiton of patience is:
an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay
My definition is:
singing songs, talking about chocolate chips (rewards), doing finger puppet theater, reading books and looking at pictures while your toddler is on the potty, only to have her stand up after an hour and declare that she would like a diaper (which she then promptly uses).
Ah well - it's a work in progress. =)
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Saturday, January 10, 2009
Labels: Random thoughts
We didn't do 'dinner and a movie night' this week (and haven't really done that lately... though we're going to start again!), but over the past weekend, we did a 'family dinner and a movie night'. Addy helped make the pizza and then we all watched Wall-E for the first time. It was a lot of fun - and a great movie too (on par with Monsters Inc. even!). Anyway, I would highly recommend a repeat of the evening at your own home!
English Muffin Pizza
Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins
Serving Size: 6
Ingredients 6 English muffins, split in half
14 ounces pizza sauce
12 ounces pepperoni, sliced
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a baking pan or baking sheet with aluminum foil. Arrange muffin halves in baking pan and spread 2 to 3 tablespoons pizza sauce on each. Cover with pepperoni slices. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Bake for 10 minutes or until cheese is bubbly. Serve hot.
Pizzas (out of 5):
Adam - ***1/2
Melanie - ***1/2
Wall-E (out of 5):
Adam - ****
Melanie - ****
Posted by
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Labels: Recipes
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Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Labels: Pics of the week
Click here to help save the rainforests. It's super easy and it may make you feel even better about your day! =)
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Labels: Links
...whatever that is! =)
Between Kennedy's birth, visiting houseguests, traveling for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Adam being home quite a bit since October (which is super wonderful - but far from typical), I'm not sure that we really know what 'normal' life with two kids is like yet... even three months after Kennedy's birthday.
I really don't have much more to say than that. I just found it to be interesting. We're getting there now - to normal, I mean. If there really is a 'normal' with kids. It seems to be ever changing. Of course that's a lot of the fun too though.
Anyway, if you've got kids and a handle on normal, please let me know. Maybe I'm expecting the impossible! =)
Posted by
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Labels: Random thoughts
Some readers will remember Marin - one of the Wish Kids that I was so fortunate to meet a couple years ago. She passed away on Friday morning...
I didn't know her well, but I felt (and feel) very touched by her, her family and her story. (See the video below for a great introduction).
I have written a letter to her parents, Matt and Nancy. It doesn't really begin to scratch the surface of my feelings, but it's something I guess.
Dear Family of Marin –
I’m sure that this will be one letter of hundreds (or possibly thousands) that you receive but I thought it still necessary to send.
I know that we didn’t know each other well, and I hope that it’s ok that I contact you now… Make A Wish volunteers are strongly encouraged to ‘fade away’ after a wish is complete for a Wish Kid. But after getting to know Marin and your family in person and through Marin’s site, I just felt I had to let you know how much your sweet daughter, and indeed your entire family, touched my life.
I have kept up-to-date with your family since Marin’s wish though (And while you were on your Wish Trip, I read all of the back entries on it too.) It was, and continues to be, an amazing testament to Marin’s life, and also to your family as well.
Your strength, your resilience, your optimism, and your love poured through your posts. It’s easy to see where Marin got her outlook on life and on cancer too. You talk about Marin’s strength. Please know that she had to have gotten it from you.
I have been blessed with two beautiful daughters since working on Marin’s wish and I hope that my husband and I are raising them to be like your Marin – graceful, strong and determined. It is through my kids (and so so many others) that Marin’s spirit can live on. I know that her spirit is with you, but I just wanted you to know that her spirit is in many other places too.
Thank you for allowing me to have a chance, however so brief, to know Marin and know your beautiful family. And as your Angel walks the streets of Heaven, please know that Marin will always live on in my heart. My deepest sympathies and condolences to you.
Melanie Smith
Make-A-Wish Volunteer
Marin Morrison
Hug your kids just a little longer and tighter tonight (and every night). I know that I will.
Posted by
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Labels: Random thoughts