Sunday, February 3, 2008

Random thoughts... picture form this week.

I love Photostory! This video is a little long, but I had a ton of fun making it for Adam and Addy - what a trip down memory lane. It's just a bunch of pictures (but with a cool soundtrack too!), so if you like that sort of thing, play on! =)


Jamie said...

Yeah, congratulations on number four for you family!! I love looking at pictures and enjoy seeing how we all change and mature in just a few short years, especially with children! Good luck with the pregnancy!

Unknown said...

CONGRATS!!!! How exciting! You have to come tell the ladies on the board!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! How exciting for you all! I love the song too, it was "our" song at our wedding!

Manda said...

Wow Melanie, Congrats!!! That was a way cool tribute to your family. Totally precious! :)

Hanson Crew said...

Congratulations Melanie! What a great surprise and a great way to announce it.

Melanie said...

Thanks everyone for your well wishes! We're super excited!! =)

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on the computer for a few days and was sleeping (zzzz) when you called the other night. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! YAY!!!! I'm so happy!! I'll call you tonight! :oD

Angela said...

Melanie, I love it! Looks like you and dh have had some great adventures! It will only get better with 4! :)