Monday, May 12, 2008


I have a 'to-do list' of things to do before the baby comes that is a mile long. I've had this list since Addy was about 3 months old. Everytime I sit down at the computer, this list stares me in the face. I always think: "I need to get started on that", but once I get up from the computer, out of sight becomes out of mind. Every night after Addy goes to bed for the night, I think about my list again - and then think: "Oh, I'll start tomorrow". Tomorrow never comes - at least for the things on that list.

So, as of today, I'm making a schedule. I'm going to put my list into a calendar - and the things on it are going to start getting checked off. I think that this should work - I did the same thing when I was pregnant with Addy and things really got accomplished. I painted (with doctor approval), I cleaned, I painted, I spruced up, I painted, I re-touched, I organized... oh, did I mention, I painted? =) (I should mention that Adam did things on this list too, though I really did try to keep the list as 'my burden'.)

So, today's the day. I'm going to get started. Hopefully I'll have progress to report every once in a while too. =) So now, I guess I need to stop procrastinating by writing about getting started, and actually get started. Off I go...

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