Sunday, February 3, 2008

27 Dresses

Addy and I went to see 27 Dresses this week at the Mom and Baby movie (we have to take advantage of these last few weeks to do that!) and unfortunately I don't have much of a review. It was a fun movie. Definitely worth watching at a Girls Night In... but not anything huge beyond that. It's would fall into Adam's "fine but forgettable" category. Catherine Heigel - the main character - has 'always been the bridesmaid'. She has 27 bridesmaid dresses from 27 weddings. This becomes her claim to fame and she struggles with the unwanted attention from that as her sister falls in love with and starts planning a wedding to Heigel's secret crush. It's a bit predictable, but cute and I left with a smile on my face. However next year at this time, I don't think that I'll remember much about it at all. "Oh yeah - that was that movie with Izzie from Grey's Anatomy, right?" =)

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