Friday, June 13, 2008

Talking Addy

So, I'm not sure how to rotate this, but it's not that important anyway, since the noise is what I was filming. =) This is how Addy spent the last half of the flight home from Pueblo - just talking away. You may have to turn the volume up a little to hear her over the airplane noise, but she was heard probably fairly well by those on the plane (but at least she wasn't crying!). She's often talking - I guess she takes after her parents! =)


Anonymous said...

The extremely minor inconvenience of having to touch your ear to your shoulder in order to view is MORE than worth it! Thank you, thank you THANK YOU for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Talk! Talk! Talk! How cute! I'm happy that you have videos! They are fun to watch.

The P-town pics are great! :o)

Claire said...

I only wish we could understand what she was saying!