Monday, January 12, 2009


So, I guess I'm kind of late to the ballgame here, but I have finally made my New Years' Resolutions. Yep - plural. Adam jokingly told me that I'm the only person he knows with a sub-bulleted list of resolutions. Whatever. =) It's really not that bad.

But I'm struck at how many of my resolutions (which I really prefer to call goals) are about Addison and Kennedy. I never really realized how much better I would try to make my life because of having kids. Setting a good example, being the change - and all that.

Politics, changing weather patterns, crime rates, car safety ratings, medical advances... all of these things have become more important to me since February 2007. It's crazy really.

It's safe to say that I always knew having kids would change our lives in many ways, but I wasn't aware of just how absolutely everything would be changed...

You know, because of the two little girls who are, as I type this, sleeping across the hall from me, I now even eat my veggies (that was on last year's resolution list).

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