Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Office - Season Premiere ** (out of 5)

The one premiere that I was really looking forward to watching this season was The Office (it premiered on Thursday). I often think that the writers lie awake at night thinking up material. However, I think they fell asleep this time instead.

The show was long and not very funny – it revolved around a Rabies ‘Run for the Cure’ and was often disjointed and drawn out.

The relationship between Michael (the odd and often inappropriate character) and his once supervisor has become strained and just plain weird. It was actually uncomfortable to watch.

The fact that Ryan was working at corporate and out of the action was disappointing, as he often adds humor to situations just by being around. I hope that his post at the headquarters is short-lived.

Oh and Andy's bloody and chafed nipples were just plain gross. And that was his entire contribution to this show.

The only good part about the episode was the fact that Jim and Pam admitted that they are dating at last. Here’s hoping that the writers decide that it’s ok to keep them together and forego the thought that tension makes for better television.

It wasn’t enough to keep me from watching the next show... but I'm hopeful that the funny from previous seasons returns soon.

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